Your comments are welcome. Email them to Andy.

We didn't know what to expect at Raw World, but the Adventure Tour far exceeded our expectations. Who imagined that we would watch lava flow down a volcano while swimming in a pool whose water is heated by the same volcano; or feed coatimundi's by hand; or hang out with giant iguanas in the wild. And then there was Raw World itself! Great food, warm friendly people, endless beaches...what more could we want. We miss Costa Rica, the staff of Living Light and all our new friends. We extend an open invitation to all to visit with us if you are ever in or near the Catskill Mountain/Hudson River Valley region of New York State. Thanks to everyone for making our vacation so great.

Andy Moss
Florence Ancillotti

P.S. A special thank you to "DareDevil" Rhonda for her persistance in talking me into going on the big water slide as Las Lagos. Zooming down the slide at a gazillion miles-per-hour, and into the underground portion was awesome! That was the scariest thing -- but the most exciting thing-- I've done in a long time. Thanks Rhonda. -- Andy

Thank you for the chance to think back to the time I spent in heaven... for just a little while. Raw World in Costa Rica...mmmm. Walking early mornings to the waterfalls and watching the sun rise out of the ocean, incredibly fresh tropical fruit, warm people, great conversations, "playing" for exercise, inspiring talks, helping out in the fun raw kitchen, sleeping out under the stars and watching in awe as the stars changed all night, howler monkey alarm clocks, amazing gourmet dinners ....Thank you Raw World 2003 and all that were there! I look forward to seeing each of you again.

Love and peace,
Karie Clingo
